Let the Roof Talk to You

Roofing professionals truly see the roof differently. Some argue that the roof actually talks to them! Let's take a look at the photo of the roof to the right.

Some might say this is your typical "tar and gravel" roof. Actually we would consider this an upgraded asphalt built-up roof.

Look closely.... It's easier to see if you click on the photo to enlarge it.

The following is what this roof "told" me:

  1. The client invested in the materials and labor to install a standard and an overflow drain. This roof should drain well.
  2. The client invested in a new HVAC unit in the past few years.
  3. The client invested the materials and labor to install a condensation line that runs the water drips directly to the roof drain. This is a great way to reduce the standing water that contributes to accelerated deterioration of the roof membrane.
  4. The client invested time in meeting with a roofing professional to proactively inspect the roof and take this photo.
You probably see others that I did not mention, but you get the point. This client has invested a lot in this roof. It appears they value quality!

Given the fact that so much is already invested in this roof, I would consult my client to perform some very minor proactive maintenance. Let's keep this good roof good!

Scope of Work:
  1. Remove debris from the roof and drains. (To make sure the roof continues to drains well.)
  2. Adhere displaced aggregate with a cold process adhesive. (To protect the membrane.)
  3. Coat HVAC curb and drain flashing with a protective and reflective coating. (To extend the life of the flashing membranes.)
What is your roof telling you?

- Tommaso Costanzo, CDT, RRO, LEED Green Associate


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